Sunday, September 22, 2013


Joshua 1:8 (KJV) "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." This morning, we are in a motel as we attended a benefit last night for the church my son and daughter-in-law attends. I went down to eat breakfast in the breakfast area. I particularly enjoy the "biscuits and gravy" they offer! That may be the reason my license plate reads "BIG RAY"! The room was crowded so the seating was limited. I had to sit directly in front of the television. The station being broadcast was a news channel. The schedule called for an "opinion" show to be broadcast on this Sunday morning. The media in this country has grown so "non-offensive" that what was once considered conservative is now labeled EXTREME "right wing". What was formerly considered "left wing" is now middle of the road! As I pondered over my breakfast, I realized something. I was eating "biscuit and gravy" instead of eating "muffins and oats". If I continue eating unhealthy, my health will decline. For me, it is unavoidable! To maintain a weight that, for me, is acceptable, and to keep my cholesterol in check, I must watch my diet. I must exercise my muscles more than my caloric intake, or suffer the consequences. Spiritually, we are no different. The book of Joshua says that we should "meditate therein day and night" that our ways should be prosperous and we shall have, not just success, but "good success"! Our enemy, the devil, has so subtly infiltrated our minds with "ERROR" (opposite of TRUTH), that what formerly was was considered "righteous" is now thought of as heretical. What before was thought of as "sinful" is now acceptable norms. It should not shock us to know we are becoming spiritually "OUT OF SHAPE"! As a people, we have eaten to much from the "biscuit and gravy" buffet, instead of "muffins and oats" menu. GOD's word is not always "DESSERT" going down. But our long-term spiritual health is what is at stake. I may have made an ill-thought decision on the " biscuits and gravy" this morning, but I pledge to be more diligent on what I allow into my mind and to "meditate therein day and night" on HIS WORD!

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