Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I remember growing up, one of my sisters has a Kaleidoscope. I was amazed at how you could be looking with the same eyes, into the same toy, with the same light, and by simply turning the cylinder, alter TOTALLY what was" seen"! I was almost mesmerized by what was being presented to my eyes. The colors and shapes were beautiful and intriguing. The "PRISM" we view life's challenges through works in a very similar fashion. How we choose to view certain happenings in our life can determine how we deal with them. 1 Corinthians 13:12 says "For now we "SEE" through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." No amount of cleaning on the glass can produce a picture of how things REALLY are. One day, we will see the complete picture, as it TRULY is! I have always taken a pragmatic approach in finding solutions to problems. I thought GOD had blessed me with enough "sense" to sustain me. When GOD healed the brain hemorrhage that affected me in 2007, there was no "logical explanation" for it. It made NO "sense" for the bleed to cease the way it did. I was in a drug-induced Coma, so I could take no credit or glory for my healing. If it "makes no sense", there must be something greater than "making sense"! For us to "Let Go and Let GOD" is the most difficult thing in life. But, for us to remain in charge, remain in control, is exactly what got Adam and Eve in trouble in the Garden of Eden. Hebrews 11:1 relates "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN." Just because you can't show someone how something makes sense or how it will work out, does not mean you are missing GOD. As a matter of fact, if it doesn't make sense to the world, does not scare the GOD who "SPOKE" this world into existence. While the author of Hebrews is not stated in scripture, the book is widely regarded as a "masterpiece" by scholars. When we "see" through the kaleidoscope called "FAITH", we observe "evidence of things NOT SEEN", much like Creation! Like someone who is sight impaired, what is seen (our limited vision) is constrained by the lenses they look through. I pray that I will look through a lens of "FAITH" and not be swayed by what the world believes!

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