Tuesday, September 10, 2013


John 2:11 (KJV) "This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth HIS glory; and his disciples believed on him." Remembering my sons growing up brings back so many memories. I recollect one of those times actually letting things things go SLIGHTLY awry so my son could see that Dad was only setting parameters for his good. I wanted him to see that I loved him and I had his best interest at heart. JESUS had one of those moments with HIS disciples in Cana. HE was at a wedding and they ran out of wine. JESUS miraculously turned water into wine. Was it because the wedding party was out of wine and was going to have to drink water that JESUS provided the miracle? Was it because Mary requested HIM perform this miracle? Keep in mind, as Mark Lowry says, if anyone knew JESUS was born of a virgin, it was Mary. Was she wanting JESUS to "show-off" that HE was GOD IN FLESH? I am of the belief that the reason is hidden at the end of verse 11. "AND HIS DISCIPLES BELIEVED ON HIM"! I am sure there is some symbolism of the water turning into wine that can be made, but the fact that is was GOD's plan is good enough for me. The disciples "BELIEVED" tells me that the prism through which they were "SEEING" through was divinely shaped. Later in John 6:44, scripture records JESUS saying "No man can come to ME, except the Father which hath sent ME draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." GOD had to draw the disciples to HIM as well. HE desires for all to come to salvation (2 Peter 3:9). Just as I allowed my kids to experience difficulties in their life in order to develop trust in someone more able than them, GOD allows us to experience physical life without HIM, so that I/we can have eternal LIFE ABUNDANT IN HIM!

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