Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I am being driven back to my home by my wife from seeing a medical professional in another town. I am listening to an "online" news talk show. There is discussion about the "speech" that Senator Ted Cruz gave last night on the US Senate floor. One well respected conservative pundit is saying that Senator Cruz accomplished nothing, that his speech was nothing more than "grandstanding"! I respectfully have to disagree! If nothing else happened, Americans heard that our voice can be heard in Washington D.C. For too long "We the People" have never felt as though our voice was being heard. I applaud Senator Cruz, Senator Lee, Senator Paul, Congressman Gohmert, and the other elected officials who placed "politics" aside and fought for my rights as a citizen. As I previously write, reports that Republic is defined as "a state in which the SUPREME POWER rests in the body of CITIZENS entitled to VOTE and IS EXERCISED by "representatives" chosen directly or indirectly by them." "WE THE PEOPLE" have been reminded by Senator Cruz that the people we elect are too listen to us (#MakeDClisten). I am emboldened to DEMAND my representatives not only hear me, but vote accordingly! Should that not occur, my VOTE shall go to someone else. The old party line mentality is over! If a senator or congressman EVER votes for a bill, such as ACA, he/she should be recalled immediately by his boss, the people! Senator Cruz has kindled a flame within me that I pray is contagious! I hope I am a carrier of a virus that spreads uncontrollably across this country. This is MY government, and I want it back! Politicians have done much damage over the past 65 years, but with GOD ALMIGHTY'S help, we can overcome. I pray it is not too late.

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