Monday, December 2, 2013


2 Corinthians 5:14-15            (KJV)
"For the love of Christ CONSTRAINETH us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again."

I posted these verses recently.  Today the word "CONSTRAINETH" is stuck in my mind.  In looking further into the word, I have found the definition of "constrain" is "to force; compel; or oblige".  Now I find it difficult to grasp "THE LOVE OF CHRIST" forcing people to do what HE wanted them to do.  How could an all loving being (GOD) impose HIS will on HIS creation just to get HIS way?

I recollected the birth of our two sons.  The joy of seeing life continue, from my wife and I, was miraculous and fulfilling.  Over the years, disciplining the "miraculous and fulfilling" gifts from GOD became a tight rope that I am sure I could have done a better job at than I did.  We are SO BLESSED to now have two sons, who have married two beautiful women, and are honoring GOD with their lives.

While reminiscing recently about "The Board of Education" that my wife fashioned out of a one by four, the memories of our children being "CONSTRAINED" flooded my mind. I explained that, when my sons are blessed with children of their own, they will get to see how difficult it is to cause pain in the lives of the ones you love in order to discipline their lives.  But the pain of seeing the ones you love operate outside boundaries is far greater.  Disciplining your children is not fun!

Just as a good parent has to "discipline" their children, GOD has to "CONSTRAIN" us to "set us free"!  Jesus said in 8th Chapter of the Gospel of John that HE came to "set us free". Until we surrender to HIS plan, HIS DISCIPLINE (to train someone by instruction and practice; to teach someone to obey authority; to punish someone in order to (re)gain control; to impose order on someone) for our lives, we will never BE SET FREE!

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