Sunday, December 15, 2013


Matthew 11:25      (KJV)
"25 At that time JESUS answered and said, I thank THEE, O FATHER, Lord of heaven and earth, because THOU hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast "revealed" them unto babes.
26 Even so, FATHER: for so it seemed good in thy sight.
27 All things are delivered unto ME of MY FATHER: and no man knoweth the SON, but the FATHER; neither knoweth any man the FATHER, save the SON, and he to whomsoever the SON will reveal HIM."

I find myself scouring scriptures, at times, trying to learn more about JESUS, GOD, and HIS principles. I want to know more.  How much more?  I want to know all HE has to offer!  Sometimes I find myself wishing I knew the Greek language or Hebrew language, so I could read the "original" text.  I would like to know the mindset of JESUS when HE was speaking throughout HIS earthly ministry.

I recently received a newsletter from Bob George Ministries.  Bob George wrote the book CLASSIC CHRISTIANITY.   Bob points out, that in John 17:21, JESUS was praying that the world would see GOD in HIM, and JESUS in us, and that GOD would be glorified by HIS manifestation.  The ministry of JESUS was focused on the giving glory to GOD ALMIGHTY!

GOD has a propensity to revealing HIMSELF, and HIS SON, to those who do NOT consider themselves to have "achieved".  Rather, HE gives grace to the humble. In 1 Peter 5:5 it says "Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, ALL of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble."

GOD can reveal whatever HE chooses to those who seek after HIM.  I hunger for HIS wisdom, HIS knowledge, and HIS insight into THE THINGS OF GOD.  It is great to be part of HIS plan!  I pray that HE will continue to see me as humble and HIS GRACE will ever be present in my life!

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