Friday, December 27, 2013


Romans 12:17-18     (KJV)

"Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."

It is so tempting sometimes to lash out when others say or do something that you believe to be out of line.  You react without remembering that you are representing CHRIST to a lost world.  I know that it is so easy to "get in the flesh", that I am sometimes reacting with no regard to what the Spirit of GOD desires.

Dr. Charles Stanley was interviewed once and he said  "You've got to see it all as if it were coming from ME"!  That statement has been playing over and over in my mind for the last couple of days. If we harbor anger and malice in our hearts, GOD will convict us to remove that.  

GOD allows certain situations in our lives to grow us spiritually.  I believe that is why Dr. Stanley says that we have to see things coming from HIM. I have been told whenever I find myself going through trials to glean everything I can from it......unless I want to go through it again!

It is my desire to "live peaceably with all men", but I cannot function without the peace of GOD in my life. This life is too short to live with discontent!

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