Monday, December 9, 2013


Luke 2:7   "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was NO ROOM for them in the inn."

My Pastor recently used this verse in one of his sermons.  When he read this verse my mind immediately thought of The King of Kings and Lord of Lords being born on in a "manger".  I looked up "manger" and it said a manger was a feeding trough for animals!  My Saviour was placed in a feeding trough for animals shortly after HIS birth!  And why?

Caesar Augustus had issued a decree (Luke 2:1) that the whole known world should be taxed. Since the edict was made that everyone had to pay taxes, Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, as the were of the lineage of King David.  Everyone had to travel to his "own city"(Luke 2:3) and Bethlehem, the City of David, was overflowing with people.  Things were so busy, TOO BUSY for anyone to recognize that a birth was occurring of such magnificence.  The hustle-bustle of the masses overshadowed "GOD in the FLESH" making HIS earthly appearance.

But would the story be any different in today's world?  The pace which life is lived nowadays is faster than can be explained. It seems there are very few acceptable occurrences where society allows a pause from its self-imposed pace.  Psalms 46:10 says to "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."  In searching scripture, very rare is the occasion where GOD instructs anyone to hurry up.  But the times HE instructs us to "Be still", or "Wait on The LORD", or  "Slow down" are littered throughout scripture.

When JESUS was born the world was "TOO BUSY" to recognize " GOD in the FLESH" was in their presence.  Today, we fail to pause and give HIS SPIRIT any consideration when determining direction in our lives.  It is no wonder our world is in the shape it is.   We want miraculous happenings to occur, but without giving credit to The ONE responsible for those miracles!

The world was "TOO BUSY" for The King of Kings and Lord of Lords when HE came in the flesh!  Nobody would make ROOM for HIM in their world.  I will endeavor to not be "TOO BUSY" for HIM in my life and to make "ROOM" for HIM in all I do!

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