Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hebrews 4:16 KJV
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

A dear pastor friend of mine passed away in 2009.  One of the sayings he would use when preaching was "When you see the word "Therefore", you need to see what it is "THERE FOR"!  I wanted to have a better understanding of how someone as "wretched" as  I could approach the Throne of GOD "boldly"?  

The thing is, if I got what I deserved, Death and Damnation would the only choice on my menu.  But in verse 15 we are told we have a "HIGH PRIEST" who endured temptations just like us, only HE did so without sin!  HE lived a Holy, blameless life, and although did it for "ALL", HE would have done it just for me!

The reason JESUS paid that price was "that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need"!  When I am in need, when I find myself needing mercy and grace, I am to come "BOLDLY" to the Throne of GRACE!  Not because of my righteousness, but because of my High Priest!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I am grateful that YOU have provided for me a means to approach YOUR HOLY THRONE.  The sacrifice JESUS paid on Calvary, although undeserved, makes it possible for a wretch such as I to come to YOU!  Remind me of the privilege I have in JESUS, and the price it cost for me to have "ACCESS TO THE THRONE"!!!

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