Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hebrews 11:3            (KJV)
"Through FAITH we understand that the worlds were framed by the "WORD" of God, so that things which ARE SEEN were NOT made of things which DO APPEAR."

I attended a funeral recently for a member of the fellowship I attend.  Although I was not real familiar with the man, the man giving the eulogy expressed how the gentleman we were remembering was a "man of faith".

I started pondering that "man of faith" statement and the implications it has.  I have "faith" that the worlds were "spoken" into existence by GOD ALMIGHTY.  I could be wrong.  I remember in 2007 I was hospitalized for an extended period of time.  The medicine they used to put me into a coma played tricks on my mind.  It took over TWO YEARS for my wife to convince me that I did not go to Chicago, Arlington TX, Shreveport LA, Little Rock AR and of all places Malvern, AR!  I would have bet my life I had been to those cities.  But it proved to be a "figment of my imagination".  I WAS WRONG!

I have realized there are many people who are just as sure that all of Creation happened some other way.  Evolution, Big Bang, Osmosis, there are numerous ideas that are even more hard to believe than a SUPREME BEING speaking the worlds into existence.

One commentary on Hebrews 11  gives a view I love.  "The Bible gives the most true and exact account of the origin of all things, and we are to believe it, and not to wrest the Scripture account of the creation, (simply) because it "does not suit with the differing fancies of men". All that we see of the works of creation, were brought into being by the command of God."

I pray that when they are remembering me, they know that my FAITH, my LIFE, was in THE CREATOR AND SUSTAINER OF THE UNIVERSE!  Others can trust in their own abilities or resources.  I trust in the ONE who still speaks today!

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