Thursday, November 28, 2013


Psalms 81:13 KJV
"Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!"

Today we are blessed and honored to have another day we can offer our thanks and gratitude to The Almighty GOD in Heaven for granting us so many blessings.  I see so many people posting about "turkey day" and football games and shopping!   It saddens me greatly to see so many looking past our blessings, right to the things we enjoy.

Imagine, if you will, being born into a country of despair and abject poverty.  How would you celebrate a day of Thanks then?  Would football games and shopping make your list?  What about if your child was being treated for, say a brain tumor?  Would your perspective be altered any?

Sometimes we fail to give proper thanks to GOD for our blessings. All we are and have should be a tribute to HIM.  We let the worldly perspective creep into our lives and alter what we see and say.  We need to slow down and realize just how BLESSED we are and from whom those blessings come!

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