Thursday, November 7, 2013

"SPIRIT OF fear????"

2 Timothy 1:7      (KJV)
"For GOD hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

The "SPIRIT WORLD" is something that man tends to trivialize, even to the point of making jokes about it.  But John 4:24 says "God is a Spirit"! To not take the "SPIRIT WORLD" seriously is to trivialize the Creator.

If GOD did not give us a spirit of fear, from where did it originate? James 1:17 tells us all "GOOD" things from above.  If all "GOOD" things come from Heaven, and GOD did not give us a "spirit of fear", then it must come from GOD's enemy!  The enemy wants to "control" our spirit, giving us the impression that all "voo-doo" and witchcraft is just a game.  While using the notion that the game is not harming us, he is taking every opportunity he can to control our thoughts and minds.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:2 "And be not CONformed to this world: but be ye TRANSformed by the renewing of your MIND, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, WILL OF GOD."  Paul suggested we were to not just fall into the mold the world offers, even mandates at times!  Rather Paul suggested we RENEW our minds and allow our Spirits to be Transformed by a HOLY GOD!

Yes, the "SPIRIT WORLD" is real.  The "WAR" for my SPIRIT (soul) has been fought, and won.   I trust the war for your soul has been won, also.  If not, all you need to do is SURRENDER to JESUS, as HE HAS WON THE VICTORY over the enemy.

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