Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Exodus 14:4                   (ESV)
"And I (GOD) will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." AND THEY DID SO."

GOD has been dealing with me recently about the word "CONTROL"!  When my brain hemorrhaged in 2007 I was about as out of "CONTROL" as one can be.  I was unable to walk as my legs wouldn't hold me upright.  I was able to speak, and pronounce my words well enough to be understood.  But the words that came out of my mouth were as out of order as you can imagine. I WAS COMPLETELY OUT OF "CONTROL" as I could not do or say what I wanted to.   It was as if someone else was determining where I was going and what I was saying.

That feeling should be similar to the way we feel when the Spirit of GOD is in "CONTROL" of our lives!  GOD should be able to guide what we do and what we say.  We should be so in HIS "CONTROL" that our language and actions are unmistakably divine!  GOD exhibits HIS "CONTROL" over even the heathen in this world.  In Exodus 14:4 GOD hardened Pharaoh's heart to get Pharaoh to pursue the Israelis.  Do you think that Pharaoh would have pursued the Israelis had he thought he and his army would be slaughtered in the Red Sea?  Pharaoh was so under the "CONTROL" of GOD ALMIGHTY that he led his army to a watery grave!

The Living Bible Translation of Exodus 14:4 says "I will harden Pharaoh’s heart and he will chase after you. I (GOD) have planned this to gain "great honor and glory" over Pharaoh and all his armies, and the Egyptians shall know that I AM the LORD.”  The thing in this verse I want to emphasize is GOD planned this to gain "great honor and glory" over HIS enemies.  We should live our lives to gain GOD glory in everything we do.  The Israelites thought they were going to be overtaken by the enemy, but had other plans!

When GOD exhibits HIS "CONTROL" over our lives, HE doesn't follow a plan that makes sense to man.   GOD operates at HIS own pleasure!  In Exodus 14:4 HE drowned Pharaoh and his army to gain "great honor and glory"!  In Ephesians 1:11-12 scripture records "In HIM we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of HIM who works all things ACCORDING TO THE COUNSEL OF HIS WILL, so that we who were the first to hope in CHRIST might be to the praise of HIS GLORY."  Our purpose on this earth is to give "great honor and glory" to the ONE who in "CONTROL" of the entire world.  The enemy will only be silenced when GOD's timing declares it to be so.   HE IS IN "CONTROL"!!!

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