Friday, October 17, 2014


Proverbs 3:5-6                        (ESV)
"5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 
6 In all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will "MAKE STRAIGHT YOUR PATHS! "

Many years ago a friend of mine developed a FAX-COVER SHEET for my office that had Proverbs 3:5 at the bottom of the page.  Being a one-man shop, I was required to do all of my duties, secretarial, janitorial, and every other duty!   Every fax that I sent had a cover sheet, so I had plenty of opportunities to read Proverbs 3:5.  It is amazing how differently I see things now versus then.  

As humans we can only SEE things from the PERSPECTIVES of where we are at the specific time in our lives.  When trials and tribulations occur in our lives our our PERSPECTIVE, the way we see things, changes from the times when we aren't required to TRUST in the LORD.  But the LORD sees from a different perspective.  HE considers eternity and a desire to please THE FATHER.  Could it be that our Shepherd leads us through "the valley of the shady of death" at times so we WILL "KNOW" we can TRUST in the LORD!

If we were to "Trust in the LORD with all your heart" our journey is certainly less treacherous.  Some problems we face are of our own doing, but some difficulties we experience are meant to develop us into tools that The MASTER can use in HIS service.   A blacksmith is required to put metal into an EXTREMELY HOT fire to shape it into the desired form of metal he needs it to be.  The metal doesn't inform the blacksmith when it has been in the fire long enough!  The blacksmith makes that determination.  

Sometimes we have to be left in the fire a long time so that we can become the exact form of man GOD can use for HIS glory!  Our metal may need to be softened a bit so GOD can form us into what HE desires for our lives!  Through all of the process we need to "Trust in the LORD with all our hearts" and know that when HE forms us into the tool HE desires, HE will take us out of the fire.  "Our own understanding" will lead us into trouble.  But if we acknowledge HIM, HE will "MAKE STRAIGHT YOUR PATHS"!

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