Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Mark 1:32-35               (ESV)
"32 That evening at sundown they brought to him all who were sick or oppressed by demons.
33 And the WHOLE CITY was gathered together at the door.
34 And he healed MANY who were sick with various diseases, and cast out MANY demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because THEY KNEW HIM.
35 And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a DESOLATE place, and "THERE HE PRAYED"."

JESUS told HIS disciples in Matthew 17 that FAITH was required to do certain things, and that kind of FAITH required PRAYER and FASTING.  This was immediately after JESUS has expelled a demon from a child that the disciples were unable to remove the demonic spirit from the child.  To me, one is left to ponder if a main reason we don't confront more demonic beings is we simply don't recognize them when we see them.  JESUS not only recognized demons, but Mark 1:34 says THEY KNEW HIM!

Now, keep in mind, JESUS lives in us (John 17:23) so that the world may know that HE is from GOD!  If the demons knew JESUS then, surely they haven't forgotten HIM.  Instead, do we forget that HIS Spirit indwells us for the purpose of showing "that THOU hast sent ME, and hast loved them"!  Or do we get so caught up in the rat-race called "society" that we don't have time for the things that GOD has for us?

JESUS "made" time to talk to the FATHER while here on earth.  Verse 34 above tells us HE arose VERY EARLY in the morning and went to a desolate place and "THERE HE PRAYED"!  HE didn't do like I have done so often and pray while I am driving to the office, or waiting to see the doctor, or  doing something else with my time.  Scripture indicates HE went to a DESOLATE place.  The word DESOLATE is also defined as barren, solitary or lonely.  JESUS went where distractions would be minimized and HIS focus could be on nothing but GOD!

Keep in mind that JESUS was GOD wrapped in flesh.  Yet HE, being in the flesh, still needed Heavenly direction and instruction for HIS life.  How much MORE do we need direction and instruction in our lives!  If JESUS needed a time and place where "THERE HE PRAYED", do we not need the same?  We have been provided direct access to the throne room of the Creator of the Universe, and we don't think we have time to spend with HIM!  JESUS paid a tremendous price for our access to the throne room.  Will I be remembered for the phrase "THERE HE PRAYED"?  Dear GOD, I beg of you to convict me to spend more time with YOU in a DESOLATE place!  Cause me to desire to be known for "THERE HE PRAYED"!!

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