Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Seven-Step Plan"

James 5:13                        (NASB)
"Is anyone among you "SUFFERING"? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises."

There are various ways of interpreting what is meant by the word "SUFFERING".  Looking at what several different versions of the Bible was the best place for me to begin.  The following was what was found:

If any of you are having trouble (Names of GOD Bible)
Are you hurting? (The Message)
Is anyone among you afflicted (Amplified Bible)
If you are having trouble (Contemporary English Bible)
Is anyone among you suffering?  (English Standard Version)
Is any among you afflicted?  (King James Bible)
And if any of you is sorrowful,  (Wycliffe Bible)

There seems to be little doubt in most translations that James was not addressing someone with a tooth ache?  The thing most would take away from reading the above translations is that James is instructing those who are burdened with a great care or concern.  And the simple instruction he gives is that we MUST PRAY!   Prayer is not just an option or 'possible' solution to whatever ails us.   Our instructions are that we MUST PRAY!

There is a long time friend of mine that used to give a rather detailed "Seven-Step Plan" when difficulties arose in the lives of those he loved.  PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, and finally PRAY!  He taught me over 20 years ago that I should not worry and fret about something when JESUS had paid such a HEAVY price for me to have access to the throne of GOD with all of my concerns?  If The CREATOR of the Universe is not only available, but answers on the first ring when we call, why do we think we need to solve our own issues?  Why don't we take my friends advice and implement his "Seven-Step Plan"?  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, do a work in my heart to rely on YOUR guidance more in my life!  Help me to live Philippians 4:6 and "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by PRAYER and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to GOD."  Let me have a thankful heart that YOU have everything worked out already for YOUR good (Romans 8:28) and my worrying and fretting will only show weakness in my faith!  The "Seven-Step Plan" may be simple, but it is very effective!!!

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