Friday, October 24, 2014


Isaiah 43:2-3A                         (KJV)
"2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
3 For "I AM THE LORD THY GOD", the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour"

Do you ever feel as though you have really messed things up and the remedy to your issue is beyond your intelligence?  Does your situation you are in seem to be overwhelming and burdensome?  The enemy can make things APPEAR as though the battle is a lot worse than it really is.  

Many years ago I was in the deepest of trouble.  Leaving the office one afternoon, I went to a remote park to be alone with GOD.  My Bible was a King James Version, a bible I STILL have to this day!   I literally just let the Bible fall open and started reading in Isaiah 43.  When I got to verse two I thought there must be someone rigging these happenings with me being on a video camera somewhere?  

"When thou PASSEST through the waters" told me that I might get wet, but I was going to make it through the waters that were encompassing me.   And I may have to go through some HOT FIRES, but I shall not be burned!   And what may be the reason I won't be overcome by the trials and temptations that assault me?  Because I have an "Indweller" who lives in me to guide and protect me!  "I AM THE LORD THY GOD" provides me with the words and thoughts that HE wants me to live that day.  HE may lead me "beside still waters" or HE may lead me through a hot fire!  Regardless of where I am, "I AM THE LORD THY GOD" does not run out on me when the waters get deep, or the fires kindle upon me!  

Many mornings when I sit down with my iPad to begin my Bible Study, I have no idea what will be put onto my screen.  But no matter how ugly and desperate things appear, "I AM THE LORD THY GOD" is ever with me guiding me through life's journey. My prayer is that I will be faithful to remember that HE will never leave me and will always be there for me.  The joy and peace of knowing "I AM THE LORD THY GOD" is with me enables me to carry on!  

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