Saturday, June 17, 2017


Romans 3:23-24                   (ESV)
"23 for "ALL HAVE SINNED" and fall short of the glory of GOD,
24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in CHRIST JESUS."

It seems the current President of the United States is under more scrutiny than any President I can remember.   Just this morning there was a story on social media declaring that the opposition to the President "were liars too" because of their past.  When you examine the facts, aren't we ALL liars?  Who can say that they have NEVER spoken anything but TRUTH their entire life?  Yet, most people only want to discover other people's faults!

The scripture above is pretty blunt, "ALL HAVE SINNED", not just a select group of chosen people.  That's right, I say chosen people for that is who the Apostle Paul was writing to with the letter of Romans.  Romans 1:7 says "To all THOSE IN ROME who are loved by GOD and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from GOD our FATHER and the LORD JESUS CHRIST", but it means me also.  In fact, we "ALL HAVE SINNED" before a HOLY GOD and we desperately need redemption for our sins.  

Don't get caught up with thinking that your sin is not as bad as the sin of others.  The only thing that Believers have going for them is that JESUS CHRIST offers a redemption plan for those who believe that HE is GOD and provides us what we cannot do for ourselves.  We are not holier than anyone else.  We are not more deserving than the next person.  Except for the redemption provided by my Savior, we would be doomed, for "ALL HAVE SINNED"!!!

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