Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Psalms 32:8-9                                (ESV)
"8 I "WILL INSTRUCT YOU" and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with MY eye upon you.
9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you."

The path we are each assigned in this life is unique to us.  The only example that we have to follow in our lives is the one given by JESUS, for HE is life!  So why do we compare our accomplishments to others, observing that they have more, or less, than we do?  Why do we compare our lives with the lives of others?  Must I constantly be reminded that the Spirit of CHRIST lives inside of me and that I am called to follow HIS guidance and direction?  

1 Corinthians 7:17 says "Only let each person LEAD THE LIFE THAT THE LORD HAS ASSIGNED HIM, and to which GOD has called him!"  ALMIGHTY GOD has a specific Plan for my life and my selfish wishes and carnal desires DO NOT fit into HIS Plan.  The enemy attempts to get my eyes on the things of "this world" and not on the things of GOD.  To keep my focus on "HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33) should be my goal.  

Growing up, my grandfather had a mule that he used to plow in his garden.  The mule obviously had a bridle and bit to guide it where it should go.  Every now and then the mule had to have "blinders" limiting what his eyes could SEE, therefore cutting down on the distractions he had to overcome.  When he became "spooked", he was useless for a good while.   

Over my life I can see where I could have used some SPIRITUAL blinders!  There have been MANY times that the enemy has "spooked" me and caused me to loose focus.  The peace and comfort of intimately knowing GOD and that HE "WILL INSTRUCT YOU" will prevent you from being swayed by the enemies tactics.  Being calm when a storm is coming is a testimony to GOD living inside of you.  GOD "WILL INSTRUCT YOU", the question is, will you be listening???

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