Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Matthew 7:13-14                   (ESV)
"13 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that "LEADS TO DESTRUCTION", and those who enter by it are many.
14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

Looking at roadmaps has always fascinated me.  Imagining going to the different places and experiencing the various journeys is something I think I would greatly enjoy.  But all of the choices we have in our actual life does NOT interest me, hardly at all.  Scripture seems to indicate that the way that is easy "LEADS TO DESTRUCTION", and that is not something I am intrigued with in the least!  

Yet there are many who either are infatuated with, or don't believe that the path that "LEADS TO DESTRUCTION" will be a bad option!   After all , the scripture above states that "the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."  You don't find a lot of people trying to find the "hard way" through this life.  Most of us are looking to find the easiest, least complicated lifestyle for us and our family.  We want to say we have lived a successful life and provided the best of earthly treasures for the ones we love.  

But what happens when "this life" is over?  Has life beyond "this world" been addressed?  Or is your future on a wait and see basis?   Making arrangements now for your eternity is the only was you can avoid the way that "LEADS TO DESTRUCTION "!  Is GOD calling you to serve HIM and it's not the wide and easy way?  Make your choice based off of the eternal rewards and not what appears to be the easiest thing to do.  The gate is wide and the way is easy that "LEADS TO DESTRUCTION", but the choice is ours!  CHOOSE WISELY!!!

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