Sunday, June 11, 2017


Micah 6:8                         (ESV)
"HE has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly "WITH YOUR GOD"?"

There are many different ways to examine this verse in scripture, beginning with 'HE has told you' and have I always been listening to HIS voice???  The one I want to target this morning is walking "WITH YOUR GOD"!  

All of us walk "WITH YOUR GOD" most of the time.  The humbling thing is, who is our god?  Who/what is driving the decisions that we make in our day to day lives?  If the truth were known, a LOT of my life has been spent attempting to satisfy my own selfish desires with no second thoughts of would my desires be pleasing to HIM?  This is the GOD WHO created the earth that I walk on, the air that I breathe, the water I drink, and on and on, and for some reason I can't make time to spend time "WITH YOUR GOD"!  

Yet, we ALL really spend time "WITH YOUR GOD".  Whether it's our family, our jobs, our fishing boat, or any other worldly possession we have elevated to a position of driving where our lives were headed.  

Do we ever stop to think that GOD may have a Plan (Jeremiah 29:11) for our lives and we are aren't wise enough (Isaiah 55:8-9) to know what HIS Plan is?  We can only hope to FOLLOW HIM, much as the children of Israel did leaving Egypt (the CLOUD), and walk "WITH YOUR GOD"!  

One final thing, I seemingly ALWAYS want GOD to work on my timeline!  I want to walk "WITH YOUR GOD", but at my worldly pace!  When we FOLLOW that generally means we have to let someone go before us!  Will it be a whoever we have elevated to the position of leadership in our lives, or will we walk "WITH YOUR GOD"???

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