Friday, June 23, 2017


1 Corinthians 15:10                   (ESV)
"But by "THE GRACE OF GOD" I am what I am, and HIS grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but "THE GRACE OF GOD" that is with me."

There are those who tend to talk about "their ministry"and how GOD has blessed in "their ministry".  The Apostle Paul could be one of those people as he was used to minister to untold numbers of people.  But he chose to acknowledge GOD that is with me as being the ONE that put the wind in his sails!

One of the verses of scripture that is continuously ignored is Isaiah 42:8 where GOD says "I AM the LORD; that is MY NAME; MY GLORY I GIVE TO NO OTHER, nor my praise to carved idols".  ALMIGHTY GOD will not yield to a person, place, or thing when it comes to sharing HIS Glory.  GOD "calls" us "....out of darkness into HIS marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9)!  

So why should we try to act as though we are doing anything for HIM, other than worship and serve HIM?  The verse above says "THE GRACE OF GOD" is what we should be giving Glory to!  We haven't done anything, nor will we do anything in the future, that is worthy of any praise or adoration, only that which we have been given by "THE GRACE OF GOD"!  

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