Thursday, June 29, 2017


Proverbs 19:20                                       (ESV)
""LISTEN" to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future."

There are many people who have said, "Lord, please help me keep my mouth shut".  In our country, we have the "right" of free speech.  However, what is frequently ignored is "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights", according to the United States Constitution.  GOD ALMIGHTY, our "Creator", endowed us with Rights, but HE also "grants Wisdom" (Proverbs 2:6) to instruct us when to keep our mouths shut!

For me, learning this lesson has been an ongoing process.  The phrase "You'll never learned anything with your mouth open" has taken me years to come to grips with, and I still find times that I need some work on it!  When we are "LISTEN"ing to advice and instruction, we seldom have time to interject our thoughts.  

But when we "LISTEN" to GOD, we need to be focused hearing from HIM!  Mark Virkler says "GOD's voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts that light upon your mind WHILE YOUR EYES ARE FIXED ON JESUS."  Hearing from GOD seldom comes at half-time of a sporting event.  Hearing from GOD usually doesn't happen while our minds are set on anything but HIM!

Our TIME Has become the most precious commodity that many of us have.  GOD is a jealous GOD (Exodus 34:14) and HE desires for us to recognize HIM on HIS terms.  When HE calls us, will we have time to "LISTEN"?  Do we have time for our Creator?  GOD still speaks to everyone (Romans 1:18-23), but are we ready to "LISTEN"???

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