Monday, June 12, 2017


1 Peter 3:13-16                   (ESV)
"13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of JESUS CHRIST. 
14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance,
15 but as HE who called you is Holy, you also "BE HOLY" in ALL your conduct,
16 since it is written, "You shall BE HOLY", for I am Holy." 

There are many people who attempt to live "good" lives as if that will be enough at the Judgement Seat to appease a HOLY GOD.  I am SO thankful that when GOD ALMIGHTY looks at my record, the only thing HE will SEE is the spotless life of JESUS CHRIST!  HE came to earth to live a perfect life, and die a perfect death, and overcome the enemy in a perfect resurrection, in place of a fallen mankind so that HE could be seen by HIS FATHER at the Judgement INSTEAD OF ME.  

But with HIM living a perfect life, that doesn't give me the freedom to live a life full of sinful actions and selfish desires.  GOD forbid!  The verses above states ""BE HOLY" in ALL your conduct", not just when it is convenient!  Now I'm sure that I fail in this area more than I care to admit, and I'm thankful for GOD's grace that never fails.  But I need to understand that, even although my sins have already been forgiven, sin carries with it some repercussions that I may have to deal with.   I should be Holy because GOD (whom I am to emulate) IS HOLY!  

Recently I saw a quote from a young lady who said ""I want to be a stripper because my mommy is a stripper, and I love my mommy."  Now if a young lady wants to be what her mom is because of her love for her mom, shouldn't I want to be what my HEAVENLY FATHER is?  After all, I LOVE HIM, don't I ??? 

Do I have the same commitment that this young lady has to resemble her love?  Far too often I resort to "the passions of your former ignorance" (v14) and act as though I am still living in "this world" instead of exemplifying "BE HOLY"!  GOD IN HEAVEN , cause me to live a life where others see YOU in my actions.  As the song by Geron Davis says, "I want to be like HOLY, HOLY like HIM!!!"

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