Friday, June 30, 2017


John 1:14-17                          (ESV)
"14 And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen HIS  glory, glory as of the only SON from the FATHER, full of "GRACE" and truth.
15 (John bore witness about HIM, and cried out, "This was HE of whom I said, 'HE who comes after me ranks before me, because HE was before me.'")
16 For from HIS fullness we have all received, "GRACE" upon "GRACE". 
17 For the law was given through Moses; "GRACE" and truth came through JESUS CHRIST."

The "GRACE" written about in the four verses above speaks to me very plainly about WHO JESUS CHRIST is, not only to me, but to the whole world!  The fact that "GRACE" and Truth came to this world through JESUS CHRIST is a testament to HIS divinity and glory.  HIS entire existence is all about bringing "GRACE" to a world that attempts to separate us from the love of GOD, because of our sinful lives.  

The fact that HE was "GRACE" walking among us put HIM in a place of rejection from the start of HIS ministry.  Although GOD is love, we seem to try putting HIM into a box where we feel HE "should" be.  When JESUS came clothed in "GRACE", HE brought forgiveness rather than judgement, and love rather than division.  However, HE separates those who Believe in Truth and "GRACE" from those who think they are better than the "GRACE" HE provides.   

To understand WHO HE is and what HE came to earth from Heaven to provide, imagine if you will, someone who Created this world and all of its surroundings, coming to live among us as a mere human just so we might have the opportunity to live with HIM for eternity in the same Heaven HE gave up?  You might say, well that's unbelievable, no one would give up what we Believe Heaven is to come to earth to be a King for 30 years or so?  Yet JESUS came, not to be royalty, but to be ridiculed and mocked by this world, and to be sacrificed upon Calvary's tree by HIS OWN FATHER, to provide mankind a way to Heaven that we could never experience without HIM! 

Nobody requires "GRACE" more than I do.  The Apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:15 that "CHRIST JESUS came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost!"  With all due respect to Paul and his ministry, I believe that I am the foremost of sinners!  Thanks be to GOD, in 2 Corinthians 9:8 it says "......And GOD is able to make all "GRACE" abound to you,....".  Have you requested HE make "GRACE" abound to you???

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