Saturday, June 24, 2017


Psalms 27:14                                         (ESV)
""WAIT FOR THE LORD"; be strong, and let your heart take courage; "WAIT FOR THE LORD""! 

Driving to the office is a joy for me.  The normal path I take is a state highway that is very lightly traveled.  The "back way" to the office is quieter and I can talk with GOD on my way to work. The speed limit is 55MPH for the most part, but I hardly ever travel over 42 or 43MPH.  It's not that I'm an "old man" who can't handle the speed of the interstate, I really enjoy taking my time and letting GOD speak to me as I am going to work. 

As I was driving to the office recently, it was if GOD spoke very clearly to me, kind of out of the blue, and said "You are living your life at 55MPH when I'm moving at 43MPH"!  Of course, my immediate response was "I'm driving slower than the speed limit, GOD"!  And GOD so lovingly said "Just because "this world" says you are okay to do things their way, that doesn't mean that I approve of it"!  

There is something about the way that GOD was speaking to me that made me take note that HE was in control of everything around me.  If HE desires me to drive slower to the office, doesn't it make sense that HE will "work all things" for HIS Glory?  HE was telling me that I could go ahead of HIM, but I would very soon find myself traveling without HIS guidance and protection!  My mind quickly went to the children of Israel exiting Egypt.  They had a Cloud going before them, and getting in front the Cloud in the wilderness (desert) would have proven to be unwise, to put it mildly.  

Unless we "WAIT ON THE LORD" we run the risk of getting in front of HIM and HIS will.  I don't want to be running wide open and HE be moving slowly.  My desire is to be listening intently whenever HE is speaking to me.  So I have to continuously "WAIT ON THE LORD" or I may find myself outside of HIS guidance and protection.  

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