Monday, June 19, 2017


Proverbs 1:23-26                               (ESV)
"23 If you turn at MY reproof, behold, I will pour out MY SPIRIT to you; I will make MY words known to you. 
24 Because I have called and you "REFUSED TO LISTEN", have stretched out MY hand and no one has heeded, 
25 because you have ignored all MY counsel and would have none of MY reproof,
26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when terror strikes you,"

Seeing a child be disciplined for not heeding instruction can be a painful thing to observe.  However, if no discipline is ever administered, the future of that child might be one that holds a tremendous amount of heartache!  A loving parent will "break a heart" now to instill principles that can keep the child from future problems.  A child who REFUSES TO LISTEN might experience a bit more discipline than one who adheres to correction. 

These verses aren't necessarily referring to physical children being reared, but the same scenario could be used for Spiritual children who "REFUSED TO LISTEN".  Our Heavenly FATHER says that IF WE WILL TURN AT HIS REPROOF, HE will pour HIS SPIRIT out on us!  Evidently ALMIGHTY GOD desires to indwell within HIS children.  But when we (as a whole) become people who "REFUSED TO LISTEN", the consequences have been promised!  

Has the modern Church in America become so comfortable with our "padded pew mentality" that we can be categorized as those who "REFUSED TO LISTEN"?  Have we been BLINDED BY THE ENEMY to the point that we cannot SEE the TRUTH any longer because we are moving at the pace of "this world"?  Is it "just a coincidence" that GOD laid it on my heart to begin a ministry based on Psalms 46:10, "Be Still, and KNOW that I AM GOD"?  

Spending time with my children and their families this weekend was a great experience.  However, my grandchildren both were disciplined because they weren't doing what they were told.  When they reacted to the discipline, we adults had to smile behind their backs because we knew their heartbreak over something that was so menial. Don't you imagine ALMIGHTY GOD has to smile sometimes when HIS children react so devastatingly to HIS discipline in our lives?  HE loves us too much to allow us to have anything we want.  We need to be grateful that we have a Heavenly FATHER who is more concerned with our Spiritual growth than allowing us whatever we desire.  How long will we be like the one who "REFUSED TO LISTEN" to the Creator?

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