Friday, June 9, 2017


John 17:25-26                        (ESV)
"25 O righteous FATHER, even though "THE WORLD DOES NOT KNOW YOU", I know YOU, and these know that YOU have sent ME.
26 I made known to them YOUR name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which YOU have loved ME may be in them, and I in them." 

The seventeenth chapter of John is one of my favorite chapters of the HOLY BIBLE.  In my Bible it is subtitled "The High Priestly Prayer" as JESUS was having intimate fellowship with HIS HEAVENLY FATHER.  The eighteenth chapter is subtitled "Betrayal and Arrest of JESUS", so right before JESUS was to he arrested, HE was praying, probably as an example to us to always bathe everything in prayer before we try to battle the enemy!

These verses make it abundantly clear that "the world does not know YOU", so we can expect to NOT be understood when HE lives in us!  For the most part, the actions we take under the leadership of the HOLY SPIRIT will go against the common sense approach that "this world" is accustomed to.   

To begin with, GOD IS SPIRIT (John 4:24) and "this world" can't see, feel or touch a Spirit, so they operate in different realms.  "This world" can't understand how something that doesn't make SENSE can exist, therefore FAITH never enters into the equation for them.  We Believers can't even take credit for our Belief, for we have "been called out of darkness into HIS marvelous light"!  Until our eyes have been opened, and our ears are made to hear, we can't follow the leadership of GOD.  

"THE WORLD DOES NOT KNOW YOU" because their eyes and ears have yet to be opened by GOD ALMIGHTY!  I can't explain why GOD chose me to be called into HIS marvelous light!  It's not like I am a prize to be had.  All I know is HE chose me and I am so glad HE did. 

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