Thursday, June 15, 2017


Ephesians 6:12                              (ESV)
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual "FORCES OF EVIL" in the heavenly places."

There is SO much chatter in "this world's ungodly news media" going on about division!  Division between races!  Division between political parties!  Division between religions!  Division between genders!  Division just to be DIVIDED!!!  It shouldn't be alarming to any of us, as scripture prophesies that these days are coming.  Why doesn't, AT LEAST, the Church react with a modicum of Biblical knowledge to understand that the warfare we are being exposed to is SPIRITUAL, and not physical?  

Genesis 3:1 says "Now the serpent was "more crafty" than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. ...".   Other translations use the words subtil, deceiving, cunning, clever, and the like.  Basically, the enemy tries to trick us into believing the LIE that we all have been mistreated and our rights violated to keep dissension about SOMETHING going all the time.  When the dissension from one narrative dies down, he finds another "victim" and begins a new war!

It's not as if these factions have recently become stronger, or more prevalent.  The Apostle Paul wrote about these in the first century.  But the SPIRITUAL WARFARE has been going on since satan was expelled from the Garden of Eden.  The enemy and his "FORCES OF EVIL" are always on the prowl (1 Peter 5:8) seeking those whom he can "devour"!  He comes to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10), and JESUS came "that they may have LIFE, and have it more abundantly"!  

"This world" can't help but to try to get our attention to the division that sin brings about, it is "their character" (John 8:44)!  It would benefit the Church GREATLY if we wouldn't let "this world's ungodly news media" dictate our conversation with their choice of conversation and we speak LIFE more freely.  The "FORCES OF EVIL" are very prevalent today.  The ONLY HOPE we have of LIFE is the ONE WHO brings LIFE!!!  

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