Saturday, June 3, 2017


Exodus 14:1-2                      (ESV)
"1 Then the LORD said to Moses,
2 "Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Baal-zephon; "YOU SHALL ENCAMP" facing it, by the sea."

Recently I was researching just how long the children of Israel had to wait on the banks of the Red Sea until Pharaoh and his hosts caught up to them. When I went to Exodus 14:2 I had typed notes into the Bible app that I use many years before.  The notes were VERY humbling and insightful, and they said:

"Moses and (since he was leading them) the children of Israel were LED by The Cloud (Holy Spirit) (Exodus 13:21-22) to a place where ONLY GOD could get them out of their predicament.  The terrain is/was such that they could only go forward across the Red Sea.  GOD wants to get glory from HIS doing a miracle, not from them doing one for HIM.  Don't think because you find yourself in a place where GOD is your only was out that you have missed HIS will for your life.  HE may be setting up your enemies for a Red Sea experience?!?!"

Number one, being led by the Holy Spirit can be a lot more difficult than it sounds.  MY GREATEST PROBLEM IS THAT I WANT TO TRAVEL AT MY OWN PACE!!!  The Israelites were encamped where they seemingly "trapped"!  They could only go forward, for the Egyptians were coming from behind, and mountain ranges were to their left and right, but forward meant crossing the Red Sea, something that would require Divine Intervention!  

How many times have I been brought to a place where I seemingly didn't have any other escape?  The enemy was behind me and my only hope was Divine Intervention?  GOD hasn't weakened since the Red Sea and HE is not more vulnerable to the enemy.  HE sometimes uses what seems like to me "difficulties" to teach me to trust in HIM, and for HIM to get Glory over the enemy!  

Number two, I have to be reminded that my main purpose is to draw Honor and Glory to GOD ALMIGHTY, not to reach the other side of the Red Sea (my wishes!)!  Scripture says in Exodus 14:4 that "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I WILL GET GLORY OVER PHARAOH AND ALL HIS HOST, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." And they did so."  The children of Israel weren't convinced that GOD was going to deliver them, but GOD had a Plan and HE WOULD BE GLORIFIED!!  

"YOU SHALL ENCAMP" was not an option for the children of Israel to follow if they liked it versus their choice.  "YOU SHALL ENCAMP" was a command to allow GOD to be Glorified before HIS children, and the Egyptians!  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to remember that my will is not what I should be trying to follow!  Sometimes "YOU SHALL ENCAMP" needs to occur so YOU can be Glorified!!!

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