Saturday, March 26, 2022



John 14:15-19                    (ESV)

JESUS Promises the Holy Spirit

“[15] “If you love ME, you will keep MY commandments. [16] And I will ask the FATHER, and HE will give you “ANOTHER HELPER”, to BE WITH YOU FOREVER, [17] even the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, because IT NEITHER SEES HIM NOR KNOWS HIM. YOU KNOW HIM, FOR HE DWELLS WITH YOU AND WILL BE IN YOU.

[18] “I WILL NOT leave you as orphans; I WILL come to you. [19] Yet a little while and the world will see ME no more, but you will see ME. Because I live, you also will live.”

How can we be absolutely certain that ALMIGHTY GOD is speaking to us when we feel that HE is?  Wouldn’t confirmation of “ANOTHER HELPER” “assisting” us be nice to know we have, especially when we can’t do what we are CALLED to do?  

Most days I don’t even know what I am going to write about when I began to document my thoughts.  “ANOTHER HELPER” usually takes over and gives me the words to complete HIS MESSAGE, not for my edification, but for the GLORY OF GOD!  

From July 12, 2007 until July 29, 2007 I was NOT IN CONTROL of anything!  Being placed into a “drug induced coma” wasn’t a choice that I relished nor even imagined was on my horizon.  It DID allow my body the time it needed to heal and be used HIS GLORY…..however only in HIS TIMING! “ANOTHER HELPER” could have CHOSEN to “heal” me instantaneously, but 17 days was needed to SLOW MY LIFE DOWN, making me SEE that HE would BE WITH YOU FOREVER and I needed to REST in HIM!

To say that I am “more Holy” because I was selected to survive a Brain Hemorrhage is probably a mischaracterization of what transpired.  ALMIGHTY GOD had a PLAN and this lowly servant “endured” (although with NO INPUT of my own) going through “the valley of the shadow of death”, HIS “ANOTHER HELPER” alone shall receive ALL THE GLORY for my deliverance!  Quite literally, “ANOTHER HELPER” was written about in my medical records of September 25, 2007 as my physician wrote "However, he (me!) has had a remarkable recovery that could only be defined as a miracle from GOD!”  

Those who KNOW HIM “understands” that HE is the ONLY reason someone in my condition of late July 2007 can write about HIM WITH (almost) NO DEFICITS (deficiencies) almost 15 years later!  “ANOTHER HELPER” didn’t require my permission nor participation to bring me to this point!  “ANOTHER HELPER” was only fulfilling GODS PLAN so that HE WOULD BE GLORIFIED by my life!  There is NO DOUBT that “ANOTHER HELPER” has never left me, because “ANOTHER HELPER” did what doctors couldn’t do, especially when I wasn’t able to get in HIS WAY!!!

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