Wednesday, March 9, 2022


1 Chronicles 16:8-13                               (ESV)

David’s Song of Thanks

    “[8] Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon HIS NAME;

        make known HIS deeds among the peoples! 

    [9] Sing to HIM, sing praises to HIM;

        tell of all HIS wondrous works! 

    [10] Glory in HIS Holy NAME;

        let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice! 

    [11] Seek the LORD and HIS strength;

        seek HIS presence continually! 


        HIS miracles and the judgments HE uttered,

    [13] O offspring of Israel HIS servant,

        children of Jacob, “HIS CHOSEN ONES!”

King David was probably best known for being a WARRIOR, a man whom ALMIGHTY GOD BLESSED with amazing battle skills that were used to Glorify GOD and grow HIS KINGDOM!  But to me, his writing skills were “top-notch” as he frequently used his trials and failures as the subject matter of his writings.  However, in these focal verses, including the following twenty-three verses, his emphasis is on a Song of Thanks to HIS CREATOR!  

David APPARENTLY was CHOSEN by ALMIGHTY GOD.  He didn’t simply “fall into” an open position because nobody else cared to serve.  David’s life proved that he was part of “HIS CHOSEN ONES!”  His writings in the Scriptures above aren’t what SPEAKS LOUDEST from his journey on earth, his “actions” made a statement that words aren’t able to encapsulate.  

What are my “actions” saying about my life?  When I am busy with the cares of life, what is my testimony saying about my KING?  Do I testify about HIS GOODNESS and MAJESTY?  Or do I whine and complain about how rough of a road that I have been assigned to travel?  For me especially, I need to REMEMBER THE WONDROUS WORKS THAT HE HAS DONE, not only in 2007, but EVERYDAY of my life! 

While I will probably never have the writing skills of King David, my love for CHRIST should ooze from my life wherever I am.  EVERYBODY should’ve able to SEE that I am apart of “HIS CHOSEN ONES”!  Not because of going to church, or giving an occasional offering, or whatever else humanity wants to “rate” us with!  The ONLY THING that is WORTHY about me is that I am ONE of “HIS CHOSEN ONES”!!!

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