Friday, March 4, 2022


Isaiah 14:12-14                   (KJV)

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of GOD: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; “I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH”.”

From time to time GOD uses the King James Version instead of the English Standard Version of the BIBLE to speak to this lowly servant more clearly.   This morning is one of those times.  The ESV uses the words Day Star in the place that KJV uses Lucifer.  “The enemy” is so cunning and deceptive that I am choosing not to use words that mitigate his identity, causing some to think less severely about him than he really is!  

Genesis 3:1 (KJV) says in part “Now the serpent (our enemy)was more subtil (Deceitful treacherous) than any beast of the field which the LORD GOD had made…”.  Satan is a master of deception, looking like something he IS NOT!  He and his followers were “expelled” from Heaven and it is his endeavor to take as many “souls” to an eternity with them as he can. “O Lucifer, son of the morning” desires to DECEIVE as many as he can KNOWING the end result will be SEPARATION from the HOLY GOD! 

We can study and learn as much as possible, but unless we are inhabited by the HOLY SPIRIT we have NO HOPE of entering eternity in HEAVEN!  Experiencing the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 OPENED my EYES to SEE a few things, and one of them is how “broken and undone” I really was!  There is no reason on earth that an ALMIGHTY, IMMACULATE GOD should accept an unclean vessel into HIS permanent abode, except for the GRACE of JESUS!  

I WILL NEVER “BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH”, apart from the sacrifice of the SON OF GOD!  HIS righteousness is “imputed” to me, or “setting of something to one's account”!  The BLOOD OF JESUS is SUPERNATURALLY applied to my account, not because I am worthy, but because I AM CHOSEN!  “I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH” will NEVER be spoken of me, but the BLOOD OF JESUS has REDEEMED my soul, for the GLORY OF GOD!!!

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