Saturday, March 5, 2022



Psalm 62:8                       (ESV)

    [8] “Trust in HIM at all times, O people;

        pour out your heart before HIM;

        “GOD IS A REFUGE FOR US”. Selah”

Being a survivor of a Brain Hemorrhage has benefits!  No longer am I “so proud” that I won’t look a word up in the dictionary to verify precisely what is being said.  The fact that I understand that I am “flawed” AND AM NOT PERFECT is probably the biggest revelations that I was “blessed” with.  

When the word “Selah” was noticed at the end of Psalm 62:8, it caused me to “look it up”!  Basically, Selah’s etymology and precise meaning are unknown.  It is probably either a liturgical-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, with the meaning of "STOP AND LISTEN."

REFUGE, on the other hand, is a “Protection or shelter, as from danger or HARDSHIP” according to one dictionary.  Not wanting Scripture to say what I want it to say, “GOD IS A REFUGE (Protection or shelter, as from danger or HARDSHIP) FOR US”!  

When danger or HARDSHIP rears its ugly head and FEAR and DOUBT are quickly encompassing our being, we MUST remember that “GOD IS A REFUGE FOR US” and “the enemy” is no match for HIM!  Our “Protection or shelter, as from danger or HARDSHIP” is THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES and HE doesn’t need our assistance!!!

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