Monday, March 28, 2022



Ezekiel 37:14                           (ESV)

“[14] And I WILL put my Spirit within you, and YOU SHALL live, and I WILL place you in your own land. Then YOU SHALL know that I am the LORD; I HAVE spoken, and I WILL do it, “DECLARES THE LORD”.””

GOD is OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT, and OMNIPOTENT and HE CHOOSES who HE wants to serve HIM!  But does ALMIGHTY GOD “choose” whoever HE places HIS SPIRIT into, or do we have the ability to REJECT HIM after an INFILLING by the HOLY SPIRIT?  There are many instances in THE WORD OF GOD where HE “puts HIS SPIRIT” into a person, but it seemingly ALWAYS “changes” that persons life for HIS GLORY!  Many are of the opinion that GOD is limited by the wishes of HIS CREATION, we servants, some whom declare their rejection of GOD almost with an arrogant, self-serving attitude?

According to, the word DECLARE comes “directly from Latin declarare "MAKE CLEAR, reveal, disclose, announce”.  YAHWEH does MAKE CLEAR to those who HE CHOOSES to make known certain things, but usually only “the humble”, according to James 4:7!  When a person’s EYES are OPENED to SEE things of the SPIRIT OF GOD, it is extremely difficult to even imagine rejecting a thrice HOLY GOD.  Yet we BELIEVERS cannot even imagine ANYONE making a choice to REJECT a lifestyle of HOLINESS for the gains of “this world”, or can we???

In reality, we are nothing but “dead, dried bones”, until we are TRANSFORMED by the BLOOD of JESUS!  Some may “think” that they have everything together, but it only takes ONE tiny blood vessel in your brain to malfunction and your become a blithering idiot (from past experience!).  BEFORE we are FORMED in our mothers womb (Jeremiah 1:5), our CREATOR has a PURPOSE and a PLAN for our lives, NOTHING IS BY CHANCE!  ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY has the PLAN for each life, whether it be an extended life or it ceases in the womb!  When the time has come “DECLARES THE LORD” LIFE can either begin or end, flourish or wane, for HE IS LIFE (John 14:6)!!!

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