Friday, March 11, 2022



Exodus 33:17-19                     (ESV)

“[17] And the LORD said to Moses, “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, FOR “YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT”, and I know you by name.” [18] Moses said, “Please show me YOUR glory.” [19] And HE said, “I will make all MY goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you MY NAME ‘THE LORD.’ AND I WILL BE GRACIOUS TO WHOM I WILL BE GRACIOUS, AND WILL SHOW MERCY ON WHOM I SHOW MERCY.”

SEEING what GOD is saying to me can be mind boggling, especially when it comes when I am least expecting it!  Recently while in a church service, the speaker was talking about Moses hearing from GOD ALMIGHTY.  So I went to the passage of Scripture he spoke about.  While trying to listen to the speaker, ALMIGHTY GOD WAS SPEAKING TO ME in a text written by man, about 4,000 years ago (Exodus)!  Such an ANCIENT text COULD NOT have any influence in my life???? Or could Hebrews 4:12 which says “For the WORD of GOD is LIVING and ACTIVE, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and DISCERNING the thoughts and intentions of the heart” actually BE TRUTH today????

We tend to ask GOD for things that require what ONLY HE CAN PERFORM!  GOD usually doesn’t have to be concerned with us trying to help because we are LIMITED in our abilities, AND HE IS NOT!  In the Scripture passage above, GOD tells Moses “This very thing that you have spoken I will do, FOR “YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT”, and I KNOW YOU BY NAME.”  The KJV uses the words “thou hast found grace in MY sight”!  I’m no Bible translation scholar, but it appears to me that Moses found GRACE from the CREATOR???

What more shall a person be able to PROCLAIM than “YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT”?  For our CREATOR to express that HE is showing HIS GRACE upon our lives should be the ULTIMATE!  “YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT” isn’t just letting me know that I am CHOSEN, but the WORDS “IN MY SIGHT” is what just BLOWS ME AWAY!  In this broken human, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES so greatly FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT that HE “CHOSE” me, a man who might be considered a washed-up reject (Brain Hemorrhage AND Heart Surgery), but GOD the HOLY SPIRIT lives inside of this broken body, therefore I AM BLESSED!  

Although the time GOD spoke to Moses was around 4,000 years ago, it is very clear that I am loved as much as Moses was.  Having a father who loved me so much that he abandoned me and two sisters after losing custody when I was four years old, being raised without a male in my house, surviving a Brain Hemorrhage with very few deficits, and later Quadruple Bypass Heart surgery 10 years later ALL wasn’t enough for GOD to give up on me!  “YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT” might have been spoken to Moses, but it has been exemplified by ALMIGHTY GOD in my very existence!  Whether it is only Moses in Exodus 3, or FIVE THOUSAND men plus women and children in Luke 9:10-17, the GOD WHO CREATED “this world” IS NOT limited to circumstances or any deterrents!  I am SO BLESSED to be able to SEE HIS providence in my life and to KNOW “YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR IN MY SIGHT”!!!

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