Wednesday, March 2, 2022



John 14:6-7                            (ESV)

“[6] JESUS said to him, “”I  AM THE WAY”, and THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME. [7] If you had known ME, you would have known MY FATHER ALSO. From now on you do know HIM and have seen HIM.””

What do you accomplish when reading Scripture?  WHO do you expect to HEAR from?  What changes to your life do you plan to see from THE WORD?  

In the Scripture above, JESUS is speaking to Thomas, one of HIS twelve disciples.  Being one of the twelve who JESUS hand picked for service MUST have been a great honor.  But look at the RESULTING MESSAGE from them.  Everyone of the disciples were martyred, with the exception of Judas Iscariot and John, who lived through tremendous torture and pain (Emperor Domitian “unsuccessfully” ordered the apostle to be boiled alive) unlike few other humans have experienced.  

Recognizing that “I AM THE WAY” is our ONLY HOPE to draw closer to JESUS should be what we are seeking.  Far too many times I might be trying to avoid hardships or trials, BUT JESUS might have A PLAN to be GLORIFIED using my life???  My prayer today is that the NAME OF JESUS be magnified today and that others will SEE that “I AM THE WAY” is my reason for existing!!!

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