Thursday, March 31, 2022



Psalm 5:7-8                          (ESV)

    “[7] But I, through the abundance of YOUR steadfast love,

        will enter your house.

    I will bow down toward YOUR HOLY TEMPLE 

        in the fear of YOU. 

    [8] “LEAD ME”, O LORD, in YOUR righteousness

        because of my enemies;

        make YOUR way straight before me.”

My maternal grandmother’s parents lived on the banks of the Arkansas River near Conway , AR in the late 1920’s.  My my mother was born in the ferry operators dwelling where Toad Suck Dam was built.  Family reunions were held at Toad Suck Park for many years, so I am familiar with the location.  Both of my sons went to a college in Conway.  I still have relatives living in Conway, so the journey to Conway and the surrounding area is quite familiar.  

Not being overly simplistic, but KNOWING where I am going tends to allow me to be more “comfortable” with my journey.  Driving in a city with a lot of traffic always requires me to be more focused and determined making sure that I don’t make a wrong turn, or go the wrong way!  When I am in unfamiliar territory I often use a map to assist in my journey.  

King David was “a man after GODS own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14), a man who was astute on battlefield, but he still needed assistance with his journey!  His prayer above was to “LEAD ME”, O LORD, in YOUR righteousness!  David knew his enemies were after him, but he also knew they were NO MATCH for his DELIVERER!  

There are writings of the BIBLE are a GIFT for us, a GIFT from GOD in HEAVEN!  When we find ourselves in “strange territories” that are SURE to arise in life, it will prove EXTREMELY beneficial to be VERY familiar with THE ONE WHO spoke these worlds into existence!  JESUS is in us (2 Corinthians 13:5!) so why do we fear?  We should yield to HIS HOLY SPIRIT to “LEAD ME”, regardless of where we find ourselves!  Having JESUS as our GPS is far better than trying to make it on my own!  JESUS, “LEAD ME” and “make YOUR way straight before me”!!!

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