Thursday, March 10, 2022



1 Corinthians 8:4-6                      (ESV)

“[4] Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “an idol has no real existence,” and that “THERE IS NO GOD BUT ONE”.” [5] For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”—[6] yet for us THERE IS ONE GOD, the FATHER, from WHOM are all things and for whom we exist, and one LORD, JESUS CHRIST, through WHOM are all things and through WHOM we exist.”

In this first letter to the church at Corinth, the Apostle Paul urges them to foster a sense of being at odds with the world. That should cause us to generate concern when our lifestyle falls in-line with everything going on around us. Mankind’s limited knowledge is so far beneath that of our CREATOR that we can’t even begin to compare to HIM!  For instance, if we were ALL THE SAME, there would be far less “conflicts” causing more peace, wouldn’t you think?  But IN HIS WISDOM ALMIGHTY GOD wanted US ALL to be able to SEE that humanity NEEDS A SAVIOR, a REDEEMER, so those of us who SEE our inadequacies can spend eternity with HIM!

That is just one example of how WE NEED HELP!  Whether some people realize it or not, we don’t have the capability to “design” a human body, one that begins as a baby and prayerfully matures to an elderly adult.  Exactly how does a human “know” when it needs more oxygen?  What about our water intake?  Or the “need” to expel aastet fluids from ourselves?  

All of these “intricacies” were taken care of by the ONE WHO CREATED us. But some of our EYES cannot SEE the TRUTH because it has not been REVEALED to us by our CREATOR.  Not all of us have the DESIRE to find the ANSWER to the questions that can ONLY come from THE DIVINE!  That DESIRE is placed in us by HIS DIVINE PLAN, something that we have NOTHING to do with!  

WHO is this amazing BEING, the ONE WHO spoke these worlds into existence?  It is quite simple to SEE that “THERE IS NO GOD BUT ONE” whenever you are CHOSEN!  My desire to “figure out” things that take DIVINE knowledge is becoming less and less important as I now SEE that some things are outside of my abilities to understand.  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause this humble servant to accept that I am simply a tool to be used by YOU to GLORIFY YOUR NAME on earth for a very short time!  My my life ever exude “THERE IS NO GOD BUT ONE” regardless of the circumstances with every breath YOU allow me to take!!!

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