Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Ephesians 3:20                  (ESV)
"20 Now to HIM who is able to do FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,
21 to HIM be glory in the church and in CHRIST JESUS throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

Not being one of the "Name it, Claim it" doctrine, I have found it difficult to believe that GOD is going to make everything in my life come our smelling like roses.  Scripture indicates from the book of Genesis to Revelation many times where the people who follow GOD have to go through perilous times, but HE gets glory and honor through their struggles and trials.

"Without Faith" (Hebrews 11:6) tells me that I must exhibit trust that GOD is able, has been able, and will be able to provide all of my needs.  I can't just say I trust HIM, I must exhibit (sometimes under pressure) that HE is going to supply my every need.

The Apostle Paul was a great example of GOD providing needs. When GOD caused Saul/Paul to lose his sight on the road to Damascus, the LORD told Ananias to go lay hands on Saul/Paul that "I will show him how many things he must SUFFER for my name's sake".  Now only a few years later, Paul is writing a letter to the Ephesians extolling the grace of our LORD saying HE is able to do "FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY" than anything we can dream!  Paul had to SUFFER so GOD could use him, and then do "FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY" through his life.

And there is one thing that must be addressed for people such as I?  GOD's timing and my timing are not the same!  GOD has shown me that my timing is flawed and I "MUST" rely on HIM to be GOD and work this out for HIS good.  HE gets glory when HE works things out.  When I try to help HIM, I usually mess things up!

Paul did not write that GOD 'will' do "FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY" for everything we desire.  The Apostle Paul wrote HE is 'ABLE' to do "FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY" according to the POWER at work within us!  If my desire is for GOD to perform "FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY" in my life, I must surrender to letting the POWER at work within me to accomplish HIS will in and through my life.

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