Sunday, June 8, 2014


Isaiah 41:10-13                 (1599 Geneva Bible)
"10 FEAR thou not, for I am with thee: be not afraid, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee, and help thee, and will sustain thee with the right hand of my justice.
11 Behold, all they that provoke thee, shall be ashamed, and confounded: they shall be as nothing, and they that strive with thee shall perish.
12 Thou shalt seek them and shalt not find them: to wit, the men of thy strife, for they shall be as nothing, and the men that war against thee, as a thing of nought.
13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, FEAR not, I will help thee."

One of my earliest memories in childhood was seeing a news report of the Vietnam War on television.  I was a small child and I remember seeing the reporter with, what looked to me to be, hundreds of dead American soldiers!  That thought brought FEAR to me that was difficult to overcome.  I grew to be a rather large man, one who would be an easier target to hit with a bullet!  I didn't want to take the chance!!!

It is "natural" for us to FEAR!  We FEAR the things we don't know about. We FEAR the things we haven't experienced.  We FEAR the unknown, things we don't have control over!

John 4:24 says GOD is a Spirit.  We FEAR the spirit world because we are humans.  The "natural" is what we can see, feel, touch, and taste.  But the real world, the Spirit world, is something we don't have control in and we find ourselves with a FEAR of things we can't control.

We seem to believe we can control the "natural".   We go to the doctor and get prescriptions to control our medical conditions.  We go to the grocery store and buy food so we can control our hunger.  We have thermostats in our homes that control the temperature inside our house.

But when we can't control something, FEAR becomes prevalent!  GOD instructs us to FEAR not!  HE is with us!  Why should we FEAR if the Creator of the Universe is with us?  HE made everything.  And everything is subject to HIS direction (Psalms 24:1). Why should I fret over anything if The Creator has my best interest at heart?  Why should I FEAR anything?

I told you I grew to be a rather large man. Being six feet six inches tall can be fun, and it can be difficult.  But FEAR can make a mountain of a man appear to be a midget!  The GOD that lives within me has no FEAR.  HE came to earth in the form of JESUS CHRIST to overcome FEAR, death, and the grave.  If GOD is the antithesis of FEAR, why should I allow FEAR into my life?  "FEAR thou not, for I am with thee: be not afraid, for I am thy GOD"!!!

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