Tuesday, June 10, 2014


This is a rather simple BLOG this morning!  Sometimes simplicity is what is required!!!

My pastor ended his sermon recently with a repeat of this often used story:

A man fell off of a cliff   While descending, he grasped a limb growing from the side of the mountain.  Hanging there with no hope, he yelled out "Is anybody up there?"  Quietly, a voice was heard saying "This is GOD.  I do hear you.  Trust ME and let go of the limb"!

After a brief delay, the man yelled "Is anybody else up there"?

Isn't that what we do to our GOD?  We find ourselves in a tight spot, and we need help.  The Creator of the Universe is trying to help us, yet HIS plan may differ from ours, from what we want to hear.  We find ourselves wanting someone else to tell us their solution so we can see if we like their solution better?!?!?  Do we think their plan will be better than a Holy GOD's plan for our life?

Why, pray tell, would we want anyone else trying to help us when the Creator is telling us all we have to do is to trust in HIM, HE's got this!!!

Isaiah 41:11    (KJV)
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

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