Friday, June 27, 2014


Proverbs 3:5-7                 (KJV)
"5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and LEAN NOT unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise "IN THINE OWN EYES": fear the LORD, and depart from evil."

How many times do we hear or say "The way I see things...."?  Or how about "In my opinion...."?  In Proverbs 3:5-7, isn't the Bible instructing us to not trust in our own view of how things appear?  But, how many times do we read our local newspaper and treat what is reported there as TRUTH, when in fact, the newspaper prints "corrections" seemingly everyday?  Yet, what GOD says in HIS Word is regrettably taken with a "prove it and I'll believe it" mentality?

Just because things appear to be a SURE THING doesn't mean that GOD is bound by them.  If we are trusting in HIM and what HE has told us, the concerns of this world shouldn't apply to us.  In Mark 9:14-29 JESUS was ministering to a man whose son was possessed by an evil spirit, a "DEAF and DUMB" spirit.  The disciples of JESUS had tried unsuccessfully to rid the son of the spirit to no avail.  JESUS told the man in Mark 9:23 "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."

Most people know I experienced a brain hemorrhage in 2007.  Even though I was in a coma and remember nothing, I am told my wife "just always knew" I would recover.  Some of my  Doctors were not so optimistic.  My wife is no "spiritual giant", but she "believeth", as JESUS referenced in Mark 9:23, and "All things"were possible concerning my recovery.   She didn't quote scripture or pray wordy prayers.  But she believed!

Just because the outcome seems certain "IN THINE OWN EYES" doesn't limit GOD.  What we believe in our hearts does matter though.  We can think we are doing the right thing "IN THINE OWN EYES", but if we are trusting and fearing in The LORD, and departing from evil, HE will direct our paths!

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