Monday, June 30, 2014


Psalms 16:1-2              (ESV)
"1 Preserve me, O God, for in YOU I take refuge.
2 I say to the LORD, "You are my Lord; I have no good apart from YOU."

It amazes me how sometimes we search and search for the verse that says JUST the words  we are trying to are trying to get across to others, and then it kind of jumps out and says HERE I AM!!   This morning I tried and tried looking in several translations to find just the words of scripture that expressed what was on my heart.  I was not experiencing a lot of success, so I went to another program to read.  

Upon returning to my English Standard Version application, the above verses were right there, waiting for me!  "PRESERVE ME" carried me back to my childhood watching my grandmother as she prepared some type of fruit to "resist decomposition or fermentation".  David was requesting that GOD "PRESERVE ME", or keep him from decomposition!  He acknowledged that GOD was the only part about him that was good, and that he had "no good apart from YOU"!

Why would a person take refuge in something or someone who was insecure?  If you were trying to avoid a storm, wouldn't you seek to be safe in something that promised safety and security?  A lot of people try to hide from life's tornados in what is similar to a cardboard box!   They want to avoid submitting themselves to a Holy GOD because they don't want to relinquish control of their lives.

When King David cried out to GOD to "PRESERVE ME" it wasn't a partial commitment.  "I have NO good apart from YOU" is recognizing that there is nothing we have that is worth having control of.  "PRESERVE ME" is admitting that only hope I have is seeking my refuge in YOU!

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