Saturday, June 7, 2014


Psalms 27:14             (KJV)
"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD."

So many times in life I have to remind myself that I am only a vessel that JESUS CHRIST indwells in so HIS message can be made known to the world.  I get so caught up in the rat-race society surrounding me that I have to be reminded that my body has been surrendered to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Yesterday I posted this "Dr. Charles Stanley sends out a daily devotional via email.  Today there was a statement in the devotional that continues to cause me to reflect.  "Our culture is so fast-paced that few of us take the time to actually consider where we're going."  Dr. Stanley also has an interview that I listen through frequently on YouTube with Moira Brown. In that interview he states that GOD has a way of teaching us something, and then quickly  testing us on the lesson HE just taught us.

As I was driving to the office yesterday, a older gentleman was in a car in front of me driving about 20MPH!  People who know me understand that I have never been known for my patience behind the wheel.  While behind this older gentleman my mind went to the interview with Dr. Stanley.  A calmness and control came over me like I can't explain and I actually enjoyed surrendering to my elder!  It was if GOD was telling me that I had passed THIS test, will if pass the next one?

"WAIT ON THE LORD" is a verse that I would prefer to not have been put in my bible. I have lived my entire life being a busy-body for what I thought was Kingdom work.  But just as GOD is the only ONE who can convict someone of sin and draw them to HIM, the pace HE moves is not subject to mankind or our timetables.  If I am only a vessel for JESUS CHRIST to inhabit, I need to slow down and "WAIT ON THE LORD" to have HIS protection and blessing on my life!  Wait, I say, on the LORD!

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