Wednesday, June 18, 2014


1 John 2:15-17              (ESV)
"15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world-the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life-is not from the Father but is from the world.
17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."

In the mid 1990's a movie was playing named "Jingle All the Way"!   In the movie was a toy named "Turbo-Man" that grown men were fighting over for the privilege of buying one for their children.  One of my sons just had to have a "Turbo-Man" of his own.  Initially, I resisted his desires, but eventually, I gave in and bought him a "Turbo-Man".   He played with it for a couple of days and then the thrill was gone and he wanted to take "Turbo-Man" back to the store.  His mom kept the "Turbo-Man" to this day as a reminder of how temporary life's pleasures tend to be!

The scripture above illustrates how the things of this world only bring temporary satisfaction.  Real JOY and PEACE can only come through a source that is everlasting!  JESUS is the ONLY source that can bring that water that quenches the thirst that life brings (John 4:14).

My son relished in having a "Turbo-Man" for a few days, but soon "the world is (was)  passing away along with its desires"!  Life is no different for most adults than it was for my son.  We spend our money we are blessed with to attain earthly treasures, only to realize the joy we imagined the world would bring was not to be found. We want to take our toys back to the store and get our money back!

"Whoever does the will of GOD abides forever" is a promise that we can claim throughout eternity.  Real JOY and PEACE from above cannot be stolen away from us.  But if we settle for a "Turbo-Man", we will be left unfulfilled.

In 1989 a Christian singing group named NEWSONG recorded a song called "Square Peg, Round Hole".  Some the lyrics of that song say "You can try to fill your life with everything but Christ", but it just won't work!  There is a "GOD" hole in our hearts that nothing else is capable of filling.  We can buy Cars, boats, houses, diamonds, and yes, even a "Turbo-Man", but the only way to quench the thirst we have is to have the "water of life" that can only be found in JESUS CHRIST!!!

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