Thursday, June 19, 2014


Jeremiah 29:11            (ESV)
"For I KNOW THE PLANS I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

The verse above is one that I have referred to for quite sometime in my life.  This morning there was a line in the devotional I get each morning from Dr. Charles Stanley that caused me to stop and consider!. It said "The Lord is committed to transforming each of us according to His "SPECIAL PLAN" for our lives"!  That sentence causes me to reflect on what HIS plan might be for the remainder of my life.

When one considers the path one has traveled in life's journey, one has to be amazed!  I am amazed that you lived through some of the decisions I made in my youthful days, amazed that I have been blessed with the family that loves and supports me like they do, amazed that my health has been restored, AMAZED that the Creator of ALL would have a plan JUST FOR ME!

Judas Iscariot is best known for being the one who betrayed our LORD to be crucified over 2000 years ago.  But when you thoroughly weigh the situation, had Judas Iscariot NOT betrayed JESUS and JESUS not been put through the sham of a "trial", there would have been no forgiveness for my sins!  GRACE was revealed more perfectly through the imperfections of mankind.

It has been stated that JESUS fulfilled over 350 prophecies in the bible. In the book of John 17:23, JESUS prays "I in them, and THOU in ME, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that THOU hast sent ME, and hast loved them, as THOU hast loved ME."  Since CHRIST lives in me, it is easy to understand that GOD has a plan for my life, for CHRIST to be glorified!  All I need to do is line myself up with that "SPECIAL PLAN"!

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