Sunday, June 1, 2014


1 Corinthians 1:17                      (KJV)
"For CHRIST sent me (Apostle Paul) not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest "THE CROSS OF CHRIST" should be made of none effect."

There are a few preachers I really like to listen to.  Their delivery of the message of JESUS resonates with me like few others.  Dr.  Charles Stanley is one of those.  I love listening to Dr. Stanley when I am alone with no interruptions.  Dr. Stanley can make things so clear and sensible to me that I seem to be moved by every word that he says.

The Apostle Paul moved people in similar fashion.  However, he realized that his education, pedigree, or stature was not what people should be motivated by.  Paul said in Acts 23:6 that he was a Pharisee, and his father was a Pharisee, yet he chose NOT to glory in earthly titles!  He gloried only (Galatians 6:14) in the cross of JESUS!

The Apostle Paul makes it clear in verse 17 above that it is "not with wisdom of words" that he spoke.  Words can be twisted and misunderstood to get whatever meaning might be desired.  Many of my writings might be written better!  But GOD knows the heart in which I deliver the words, and HE can use them for HIS honor and glory!

Finally, Paul finishes the above statement with, what I feel is the most enlightening statement that he could make. "Lest the cross of CHRIST should be made of none effect" is a proclamation that the only thing that makes a difference in eternity is "THE CROSS OF CHRIST"!!  Whether one is called to preach, baptize, minister, pray, or whatever GOD instructs us to do, "THE CROSS OF CHRIST" should be our chief focus!

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