Friday, June 20, 2014


Isaiah 55:8-9                (1599 Geneva Bible)
"6 SEEK YE THE LORD while HE may be found: call ye upon HIM while he is near.
7 Let the wicked forsake his ways, and the unrighteous his own imaginations, and return unto the LORD, and HE will have mercy upon him; and to our GOD, for HE is very ready to forgive."

Too many times it has been said "I will get my life straightened out one of these days", like a person KNOWS when they are going to die?   Or a person knows when CHRIST will return for HIS church?   Matthew 24:36 enlightens us to the words of JESUS on the matter when HE said "But of that day and hour knoweth "no man", no not the Angels of heaven, but my FATHER only".

So how can one determine that he or she will get things together when they have no idea when the FATHER is sending HIS SON on a return mission!  How do you know you will have the desire when you are older to come to HIM?  The bible says in John 6:44 "NO MAN can come to me, EXCEPT THE FATHER, which hath sent me, DRAW HIM: and I will raise him up at the last day."  GOD IN HEAVEN is required to wait on no one to decide the time is right.  HE is merciful and withholds HIS judgement for our benefit.

"SEEK YE THE LORD" is not a suggestion to get my life straightened out. Our eternal being (our SPIRIT) cannot truly "live" outside of Christ.  In John 14:6 JESUS says "Jesus said unto him, I am that Way, and that Truth, and that "LIFE". No man cometh unto the Father, but by me".  HE has given us fair warning THROUGHOUT HIS WORD to be prepared!

I can never live a life that is "worthy" of going to Heaven.  I can't feed the poor enough, donate to the hungry enough, clothe the naked enough, or build enough buildings to honor HIM enough.  All I can do is claim HIS mercy and "SEEK YE THE LORD" to show HIS love through my life!  My life will then give evidence that HE lives through me by ministering to the poor, hungry, and naked.  But the thing that should drive me is to "SEEK YE THE LORD while HE may be found!"

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