Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Psalms 32:8-11                        (ESV)
"8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with MY eye upon you.
9 BE NOT LIKE "A HORSE OR A MULE", without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.
10 Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD.
11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!"

The following statement should will not be a headline maker, but there are times when I fail the LORD!  I'm not proud of that, as a matter of fact, it breaks my heart knowing I have chosen to ignore GOD's leadership in my life for selfish reasons.  Trying to be obedient to a Holy GOD should always be my goal, but sometimes my focus gets out of whack, doing that which doesn't gain HIM glory.

When GOD "leads me beside still waters", HE usually doesn't have turmoil and confusion in and around those waters!  There is nothing as peaceful as knowing you are exactly where GOD desires you to be.  There is nothing more uncomfortable than NOT being exactly where GOD desires you to be.   The Spirit of a Believer has been awakened when we were BORN AGAIN and whenever we are too busy, too self-centered, or just too mean to allow Our Spirit to be controlled by the SPIRIT of ALMIGHTY GOD, turmoil and confusion are extremely quick to replace the PEACE that can only come through a relationship with JESUS.

My grandfather, one year, had an old mule that he would plow the garden with.  The phrase "stubborn as a mule" must have originated from this mule!  Regardless of how much grain he was fed, how much rest he was given, or how well he was treated he never liked to plow where he was needed to.  The mule wanted to walk where he wanted to, and that caused problems!

We can do the same thing in our Christian walk.  Walking without the SPIRIT of GOD leading us isn't a stroll, rather a Spiritual struggle that can cause various physical problems.  Typically, I don't want to admit when I drift away from being led by the SPIRIT of GOD as that means I am flawed and imperfect.  But scripture indicates that, with the exception of JESUS CHRIST, all humans are flawed (Romans 3:23) and constantly in need of a SAVIOR!  Unless we submit to HIM, we are as a "HORSE OR A MULE" that needs a bit and bridle to guide it.

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to continually submit to YOUR guidance in my life so I can live with YOUR PEACE dwelling in my life.  Being stubborn as a "HORSE OR A MULE" will lead to problems that I prefer not to deal with!!!

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